It's a little know fact that the Haiku was indeed not a haute arte, but rather a poetry for the everyday. With this in mind we have created a blog for poetry about any normal thing save love, death, and teabagging



Presidential run
Not for office, but for life
That sounds about right

There are few things Ecuadorians like more than a good revolution. No, that’s not true at all; there's few things Ecuadorians like more than cheap aguardiente. That's the ticket. Ecuador generally gets a President who embezzles IMF and World Bank loans until people get fed up and send them fleeing for their life. Then they spend the next three years arguing with the IMF and World Bank over how much of the stolen bounty they must amortize. I tend to blame the fact that the majority of the upper political echelon tend to be educated in American Universities. That and the fact the IMF and World Bank continue to give the money to the President rather than distributing in generally to the areas of the economy to which the aid is intended. It's a bit like the Simpson’s episode where Burns, Simpson, and Smithers go to Cuba with the "Trillion dollar bill". They meet with Castro and he asks to see the bill, Burns is reluctant, but Homer comments, "If you can't trust the president of Cuba who can you trust?" So he hands it to him, then asks, "Can I get the Trillion dollar bill back?" and Castro says, "What Trillion dollar bill?" Then Burns says, “Oh” and looks down dejectedly. It's like that only the IMF and World Bank continue to do it over, and over, and over, and over... It's almost like they prefer it like that for some deeper nefarious reason...


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