It's a little know fact that the Haiku was indeed not a haute arte, but rather a poetry for the everyday. With this in mind we have created a blog for poetry about any normal thing save love, death, and teabagging


Tucker Carlson

Blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah sharrr urgg darg unng
durg durg durg durg durg


Hey, here have my card
I would rather ingest glass
In the form of shards

What's the Deal?

What's the deal with this
What's the deal with all of that
As a matt'r of fact.


Daddy Bruce II

No plate- tinfoil
No fork, teeth pick the ribs clean
The vin'gar does sting

A lady drops by
Sparky washes pots and pans
She and Bruce, hand'n'hand

The sauce runs like wine
We get an extra half-loaf
And leave drunk on swine!!!



Goin' back to Denver
Daddy Bruce is on the list
Oh, the things I've missed


IF you've got the fat
And you've got the attitude
You've got fattitude


I have some basil
Graham has the cilantro
Now we need mint


Anonymous Says...

Thanks for the comment
Did the computer care or even read?
No just an advert to place...
Can you ever, just read what was said?
No- Just make dickhead comments instead...
Hence my hate for you.



Kitschy tacky jokes
Who are these insipid blokes?
Drab baudy, folksy folks


Red, green, and white tea.
I drink them all, and coffee
Woe is healthy me.